Monday, June 23, 2014

Flouncy fun

I know that I've been off the radar for a while but I won't bore you with the details.  I'll just jump right back in.  

I know that refashioning is best when it is a major overhaul, like from a lampshade to a miniskirt, but sometimes just minor tweaks are best. When I swapped out my winter for summer clothes, I realized that I haven't been wearing a lot of them because they just aren't quite right. So now I am on a mission to make them right, minor or major overhaul. I am showing them just pinned here to see what you think before I start the stitchin'.

First outfit is too big and the busyness of the fabric and flouncy design are lost. 

 I believe that shortening the underskirt so that the curves of the flounces on bottom show more, helps give the "sack" some shape and shows off all that hard work at the gym. Other than that, a basic take-in all over - a pinch on the straps to lift the neckline and a little extra taken in at the waist to give it less of a sack shape.

Question: When I taken in the sides, do i take in the underdress only or go ahead and take in the flounces too making them lay against my body more...especially in the waist area like I have pinched in here?
Your thoughts?  I'll update with a final photo once I am done, but I would love some input, especially from the fashionista's out there.

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